Why a concept bike from SE?

Because our services are unique. There is no motorcycle manufacturer in Germany that can offer comparable possibilities in terms of development and workshop. You buy directly from the manufacturer. We can respond to special requests and implement them effectively in the shortest possible time. As a certified company, we have a QM system that guarantees you the highest quality standards and can also overcome difficult hurdles during TÜV approval.

Come and visit us and let us show you everything live:

Design department: Autodesk Inventor CAD design programme, 3D stereolithography printer, 3D laser scanner

Manufacturing: CNC milling machine, conventional milling machine, CNC lathe, friction grinding machine

Metal construction: welding tables with the corresponding templates, TIG welding technology, Mag welding technology, oxyfuel welding technology

Suspension department: suspension spring press, bleeding device for suspension elements, extensive special tools for forks and shock absorbers

Engine construction: Serdi valve seat milling machine, valve grinding machine, graver grinding machine, facing machine, honing machine, cylinder boring machine, valve spring press, valve seat ring extraction tool, plain bearing grinding machine

Test sand: dynamometer with load control and real-time power and torque measurement.

Our company has been in existence for over 30 years, 20 of which have been spent in professional motorsport. During this time, we have achieved countless race victories and won national and international championships. A good 10 years ago, we found another passion in which we can contribute all our expertise in engine technology, chassis construction and development/design.

This know-how, distributed over a team of 20 people, combined with the many technical possibilities of our company creates great products at fair prices and serious delivery times.
We handle almost 100 conversion projects per year, of which about 50 are SE Concept Bikes. Despite the enormous volume, we have not needed more than 5 months for any project in the last 2 years. Prices and delivery times are no baseless marketing measures for us, but a promise to our customers.